ARC offers access to an EAP through AVIVA accessible 24hrs a day. The Programme can be used to discuss anything from financial problems to mental health.
Following 6 sessions of counselling through our EAP, ARC will offer paid routes to private counselling.
An independent Health and Wellbeing Group focussed on developing intitiatives which benefit everyone.
We're passionate believers in lifelong learning and providing our people with opportunities for internal and external training. Whether its on the job training or sponsoring an MSc we're committed to supporting your personal development.
We're firm believers in putting individuals at the heart of their personal development and expect individuals to be proactive in identifying potential training opportunities or seeking out conversations with colleagues.
ARC's goal is for its people to be at the forefront of industry developments and therefore will reimburse Employees for up to three annual membership fees and any fees associated with changing grade of membership.
If you are interested in a career at ARC, send a CV or contact our team today -